Airline passenger says he wanted to slap man who refused to switch seats so he could sit by his wife

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A man who was unable to book two airline seats next to each other so he could sit next to his wife became frustrated after a fellow passenger refused to swap seats.

Jay Kloss and his wife, Zoe, were separated in the business class section of their Virgin Atlantic airlines flight after they were unable to book two seats next to each other. Jay was in the aisle while Zoe was seated by the window in the same row but on opposite sides of the plane. 

There were eight seats in business class and no middle seats.

Jay posted a video to TikTok detailing the incident and asked his followers if he was in the wrong to request that the other passenger switch seats.


“I wanted to slap him,” he said.

He explained that when he booked the flight, the other aisle and window seats were both taken. Jay assumed he would be able to swap seats with a passenger since that person would end up with the same seat on the other side of the plane.

“No matter what, me and Zoe are sitting together … WRONG,” Jay said.

As the couple boarded the plane, Jay said he politely asked the man in the aisle seat, “Hey bro, would you mind moving so I can sit with my missus? It’s her birthday.”

“And he just looks at me and doesn’t respond,” Jay continued. “Then he’s like, ‘No. I won’t. But I’ll sit here,'” referring to Zoe’s window seat.

However, Jay explained, Zoe always sits near a window to avoid nausea.

“So, he’ll make us sit on either side of the aisle, just for no reason. It’s the same seat,” Jay said. “So anyway, I’m like, ‘Bro, really? You sure you can’t swap seats with us?’ And he just doesn’t respond to me.”

Zoe then sat in her seat by the window next to the man and asked him if there was a problem and if it were possible to switch seats since it was her birthday and she wanted to sit with her husband.

“Nah, no problem. Just not moving,” the man allegedly told her.


Jay then asked his followers, “Am I missing something? Can somebody explain to me what the hell is going on here? It’s the same seat, just on a different side of the aisle.”

But the couple did end up sitting next to each other, as the person sitting in the window seat next to Jay offered to switch with Zoe.

The comments on the video overwhelmingly pushed back on the idea that the man should have switched seats with Jay. Many users said the couple should have booked the seats they wished to sit in and that there should not have been an assumption that the man would give up his seat to accommodate them, even if it was Zoe’s birthday.


Article Source: Travel From Fox News Read More 

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